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  • 207-723-5161

Board of Trustees

Millinocket Regional Hospital is a private nonprofit 501(C)3 corporation organized under the laws of the State of Maine. The Board of Trustees of Millinocket Regional Hospital is a self-appointing body of up to 17 members that provides the overall leadership and direction for the organization. Board Members are nominated by their peers and typically serve three-year terms.

Board of Trustees

  • Mellissa McAvoy, MBA, CPA, Board President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer
  • Tom Malcolm, Immediate Past President & Board Secretary/Treasurer
  • Matthew Turnquist, MD, Medical Staff President
  • Ed Dunstan, DO, Medical Staff Vice President/Secretary
  • Larry Hallett, CRNA, Medical Staff At-Large Member
  • Gail Fanjoy
  • Fred Lewis
  • Mary Alice Cullen
  • Richard Angotti

Senior Administration

  • Robert Peterson, D.Sc.,  Chief Executive Officer  (ex-officio)
  • Shelly Drew, RN, BSN, V.P. of Corporate Compliance, Risk Management  (ex-officio)
  • Mary Tatro, RN, BSN, V.P. of Patient Services/Chief Nursing Officer  (ex-officio)
  • Carolyn Bouchard, Director of Human Resources

What We Do

Hospital board members have a challenging role that includes responsibility for all aspects of the organization including financial issues, strategic planning opportunities, medical staff affairs, regulatory compliance, community relations, and employee relations. It is very demanding volunteer community service in both the time involved and the thinking challenges that go with each decision.

The Board of Trustees, as a whole, meets monthly as do standing committees, including a Finance Committee and Professional Affairs Committee. The Nominating Committee meets as needed for Board member replacements or additions. Pat Hunt currently chairs the Nominating Committee. Anyone wishing to be considered for nomination to the Board of Trustees should contact Mr. Hunt and be ready for some very demanding work.


Our Agenda

A typical agenda includes discussion and decisions about services, quality of care issues, medical staff credentials needs, financial results of the organization. In March through June of each year we update our Strategic plans and formulate new capital and operating budgets for the fiscal year that starts in July. This involves projecting demand, revenues, and expenses and setting goals for the organization to achieve.


Growing Into The Future

Over the past five years MRH has gradually acquired more ownership and operation of medical practices. We have done this to help ensure that our communities can recruit and retain quality physicians and allied health providers like Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. We have had pretty good results with recruitment but recognize the challenge of retention. We know that you want access to quality medical care and that remains a top priority for our Board.


Input From Everyone

Our Medical Staff is actively involved in the Board of Trustees. Three members serve as voting members. A hospital Board member attends the monthly Medical Staff meeting. Medical Staff members serve on every standing committee. During our recent efforts to improve our financial position we involved the Medical Staff and continue to use them to help guide and direct our ongoing efforts on this critical aspect of our future.


Patients Are Our Priority

Our primary service area includes Millinocket, East Millinocket, and Medway with a secondary service area encompassing Milo, Brownville, Brownville Junction, Island Falls, Patten, and Sherman. We draw some patients from the other areas as well based on patient choice. As all of you know who live in these areas the populations are getting smaller and getting older. Those factors along with pressure from private insurance companies and of course Medicare and Medicaid combines to make our future very challenging.

Some of our Board members have served for over ten years and all deserve to be thanked for their contributions. We welcome constructive criticism and input from our community. We plan to make more public interaction a part of our regular process for planning to meet your needs. You can see who our Board members are in our hospital hallways and on our website at


Contact Us

To contact our Board of Trustees please send your correspondence to Millinocket Regional Hospital, attention Board of Trustees and it will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees who meet monthly. Your comments and suggestions about community needs, fiscal stewardship, hospital policies, quality of care and services, and strategic direction are welcome. Your input will help us ensure that we care for and enhance the health and wellness of the Katahdin Region.